Can I Color Dye My Gear in My Time at Portia UPDATED

Can I Color Dye My Gear in My Time at Portia

Within Hateno Village, there's a dye store. You're probable to see it in your commencement several hours playing Breath of the Wild, merely if you're annihilation similar us, you won't be able to dye your armor or article of clothing because you won't have collected what you need. In this guide, we'll tell y'all what y'all need and salvage you some time (and defoliation).

Where to dye your clothing and armor

Visit Sayge, who runs the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno Hamlet.

How to dye your clothing and armor

To dye anything, you lot need 2 things (well, 25 things, technically): 20 rupees and five items of the color you wish to dye your article of clothing and armor. The rupees are to pay for Sayge's services and the items are to create the dye.

If you decide that something you've dyed just doesn't work, y'all can enquire Sayge to undo all of your changes and return clothes and armor to their original colors.

Keep in mind that some items can't exist dyed, similar the Hylian tunic. Sayge will let you know if you're wearing something with an unchangeable color.

How to dye but i piece of wearable

Every piece of clothing or armor you lot're wearing — from your boots to your chapeau — volition become dyed any color you lot cull. If y'all're not into the whole monochromatic look, there'due south a way yous can mix and match your wardrobe's palette.

Since the articles your wearing all get dyed, y'all but have to remove anything yous don't desire to change colors. If you like the colour of your shirt, take it off when yous dye your pants. If you lot have your pants dialed in to your perfect shade, but your shirt isn't working, take off Link's pants.

With a little patience and a lot of wardrobe changes, you can customize your outfit from caput to toe.

Dye ingredients

There are 15 colors of dye in Breath of the Wild, and the items required to create each of those colors differ. You'll pick up these items pretty much everywhere — from plants to monster drops.

You'll accept to cull the items you use carefully, though, because some of them likewise make food or elixirs — and y'all can sell them for rupees.

We'll list the ones we're aware of below, only delight know that these lists are not exhaustive.

Blue dye ingredients

  • Blue nightshade (constitute)
  • Sapphire
  • Ice keese wing

Ruddy dye ingredients

  • Apple
  • Spicy pepper
  • Hylian shroom
  • Sunshroom
  • Ruby-red
  • Fire keese wing
  • Red lizalfos tail

Yellow dye ingredients

  • Mighty bananas
  • Zapshroom
  • Bird egg
  • Topaz
  • Yellow chuchu jelly
  • Electric keese wing
  • Octorok eyeball
  • Hinox guts

White dye ingredients

  • Hylian rice
  • Diamond
  • White chuchu jelly
  • Silent princess (plant)

Black dye ingredients

  • Hearty truffle
  • Flint

Purple dye ingredients

  • Rushroom
  • Armoranth (establish)
  • Monster extract
  • Swift violet (plant)
  • Sunset firefly
  • Bokoblin guts
  • Octo airship

Green dye ingredients

  • Fleet-lotus seeds (plant)
  • Stamella shroom
  • Hyrule herb
  • Restless cricket
  • Hot-footed frog
  • Lizalfos tail

Low-cal blueish dye ingredients

  • Silent shroom
  • Octorok tentacle
  • Moblin guts
  • Chuchu jelly

Navy dye ingredients

  • Luminous stone

Orangish dye ingredients

  • Endura shroom
  • Swift carrot
  • Fortified pumpkin
  • Warm safflina (plant)
  • Mighty thistle (institute)
  • Courser bee dearest
  • Amber
  • Keese eyeball

Peach (pink) dye ingredients

This is called peach, merely it is conspicuously pink.
  • Wildberry
  • Hearty radish
  • Big hearty radish
  • Stone salt

Reddish dye ingredients

  • Razorshroom
  • Chickaloo tree nut
  • Tireless frog

Light yellow dye ingredients

  • Palm fruit
  • Electrical safflina (plant)
  • Goat butter
  • Opal
  • Bokoblin fang

Chocolate-brown dye ingredients

  • Iron shroom
  • Acorn
  • Hightail cadger
  • Hinox toenail
  • Hinox tooth

Gray dye ingredients

  • Bokoblin horn
  • Lizalfos talon
  • Moblin horn
  • Moblin fang
  • Keese wing
  • Lizalfos horn
  • Aboriginal spring
  • Ancient gear
  • Ancient shaft
  • Ancient cadre
  • Aboriginal jump
  • Giant aboriginal core


Can I Color Dye My Gear in My Time at Portia UPDATED

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